Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Penguin versus the Joker


"Areenalla" just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?!

The Pens take on Jokerit from the Finnish Elite League tommorrow in their last pre-season warmup before they open the season this weekend with a two game set in Stockholm versus the Ottawa Senators.

Unfortunately it's not likely to be broadcast. Too bad, I think it would be a fun one to watch.

These next news snippets brought to you by mighty "Thor" (thanks to EN for the pict)

- the Pens had a little "team building exercise" in Sweden. It's not West Point, but, hey, at least its something.

- The Pens take in a Swedish museum. Malkin declares "I like it!"

- Puck Daddy thinks the Pens are in trouble on "d".

- Gonch's injury is a good thing???

- Mirtle thinks the Atlantic division is now wide open due to Gonch's injury.

- Former potential Pens "saviors" Boots and Bals have problems

- Kris Beech is AWOL. Pens fans yawn.

And...this just in....The Maple Leafs still suck.

Until next time...GGG

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