Monday, August 4, 2008


Sorry folks, I know it has been a long time since the last post. Even though the NHL/hockey news is slower in the summer than Hillary Clinton's rush to pay off her failed campaign debt, I do have a few interesting random thoughts....

Worried that there might be another lockout soon? You should be. It seems that the NHL might have created themselves a situation by instituting a salary cap floor in addition to a salary cap ceiling. Problem is it's too high.

Wanna see a cheap imitation of the Stanley Cup; a has-been ex-NFL quarterback; and, an aged rocker all in the same photo? Click here.

When I was a little mucker and grinder I loved the NY Islanders dynasty of the early 80's. Who didn't? Here is a pictorial tribute to the joke that organization has become since then.

Oh yeah, Michel Thierren got a new 3 yr deal. I could tell you how I feel but actually Ron Cook of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette sums up my feelings pretty well.

Puck Daddy covers Sid's 21st birthday this Thursday - what should be a celebrated holiday in Pittsburgh and Cole Harbor, NS. We all learn that Sid likes Crown Royal and Jack - we're just not sure if that is separately or together!

Also, Puck Daddy is running a photoshop contest to help paint Gary Bettman in a more positive light.

Penguins are confirmed as having a third jersey this year based on last year's Winter Classic jersey. Apparently several other teams are intro-ing 3rd jerseys this year as well. Great way to get a few extra bucks out of your already cash-strapped fan base!

Until next time ... GGG

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